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A Plan Can Help Your Complicated Relationship With Money

By One Wealth Perspectives

A healthy relationship requires accountability, so why would we treat our relationship with money any differently, and why does the topic of money create anxiety in relationships?

The answer to these questions likely come from issues stemming from our childhood, or other life events. Financial advice can help remedy these issues, but we first need to learn about the history of our relationship with money.

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1st Annual Letter from David

By One Wealth Perspectives

This week, I am interrupting our weekly thoughts with an annual piece that I plan on writing each January going forward. The purpose of this piece is to remind us all of some of the general principles we try to utilize in the advice we give as well as some observations about the current investment and economic environment.

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The Best Investment You Can Make

By One Wealth Perspectives

We dedicate the month of January to the broad topic of financial planning and I have the pleasure of writing the 2023 inaugural Thought of the Week. Last week, as I was mulling over what to write about, I came across an article in the Wall Street Journal that reminded me of the now 85-year running Harvard Study of Adult Development.

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